
Friday, January 26, 2007

The Best Detroit Piston Team Ever

Which is the best Detroit Piston team of all time? I have pondered this question deeply and have engaged in many a bar stool debate. As a lifelong sports fan and hoops junkie, I find asking which the best team is in the history of a storied franchise like the Detroit Pistons is big part of what makes sports fun. For the purposes of this particular debate, there are really only two options by anyones standards: the championship Detroit Piston teams of the mid to late 80s and the more recent teams of 2004 and 2005 who went to two finals series and won a championship.

The arguments for the Detroit Piston teams of the late 80s are certainly easy to make. Those Bad Boys teams were trend setters. The 80s were a time of high scoring offenses and soft defenses. Scores routinely made it into triple digits as teams like the Lakers, Celtics, Rockets, and Sixers ruled the league. Then the Detroit Pistons came along with their tough, hard nosed, no easy baskets style of defense. They gave way to teams like the Bulls and Knicks who adopted similar defensive philosophies. Setting such a trend in a league like the NBA is certainly cause for consideration of greatness.

The Bad Boys Piston teams also had names and recognizable talent that the later championship teams would lack. Names like Isaiah Thomas, Joe Dumars, and Bill Laimbeer are still known throughout the league. They are the greats of Detroit Piston basketball and to some degree of the NBA. Not only were these names recognizable and historic in league and team history, but also they were names of winners. Obviously the more recent teams are winners, but they have yet to combine the historical names, the winning, and the stamp on history that comes along with setting a trend.

There is, however, an argument to be made for the Detroit Piston teams of the early 2000s. Those teams have represented that city of Detroit with their blue collar methods. The collection of cast-offs from around the NBA shows that a true team can be the personification of the idea that the whole can be more than the sum of its parts. You could also make the argument that when it is all said and done, the names Billups, Wallace, Wallace, and Prince will be just as well known as those of the Bad Boys. With one championship ring, another appearance in the finals, and a quick start to the 2005-2006 season, the modern Detroit Piston team may even end up with more championships to their credit. And in the end, isnt it all about rings when it comes to the legacy of any great team?

When it comes to great basketball franchises, the Detroit Pistons may not be the first name to roll of the tongue, but they certainly will come in at some point. With at least two great runs in the history of the franchise, the argument over who is the best Detroit Piston team is one that may end in a draw. However, it is those great debates that will help both Detroit Piston teams to maintain their place in the mindset of Piston fans as well as basketball fans for years to come.


Why Worry When You Can Work?

Its Saturday morning, and as I was in the living room, relaxing with the purple bougainvillea in view, out the front window, I felt a little twinge of anxiety.

Whats different about this twinge is I felt it, and didnt squelch it. I tuned into it, asking what it was telling me, this slight tightness in my gut.

The answer is I was about to worry about something.

I hadnt started yet, but I knew my mind would dredge up something; it was too peaceful a scene outdoors, and in, for me to just be tranquil about it.

And at that moment of perception, the words came to me: Why worry when you can work?

Ive found in good times and bad, happy and sad, work is the great elixir that helps me to feel better, on the spot. When I feel Im producing, thats when Im relaxing.

Im certain this taps into a survival program thats somewhere in my unconscious or my genetic code. When you think about it, working, as an alternative to worrying, is just a super idea:

(1)It takes your mind off of negativity.

(2)You actually get something done, of which you can be proud.

(3)By accomplishing, youre setting the stage to receive other rewards, such as income or its equivalent, and this will probably stave off some of the disasters youre worrying about.

So, the next time you feel anxious, and you dont know why, dont dwell on it.

Put yourself to work, instead, and youll be a lot better off!


Florida Real Estate - The Sunshine State

Florida real estate is definitely worth a look if sun and fun is your ticket. Florida real estate, even close to the beach, is a very good deal.


Florida is a well-known haven for people living through winter storms in the northeast. Sun and warm water are an obviously attraction, but there is much more to Florida. Orlando seems to be one giant theme park with Disney World, while Miami offers entertainment of a distinct adult variety with a legendary nightlife. Throw in the Florida Keys, tons of college and professional sports teams, the Kennedy Space Center and you have a state with a lot to do besides loaf on the beach. Then again, loafing on the beach should never be denigrated!


Miami is a city that really needs no introduction. With Cuban influences, the city is an explosion of styles, colors and fun loving people. Palm trees are plentiful as are beaches, bars, outdoor cafes and walking streets. When you need a break from the beach, Miami hosts professional sports teams in baseball, basketball, hockey and football. The real key to the area, however, is simply the festive atmosphere and people. Nearly half of the population is Hispanic with a heavy influence appearing throughout the city. Every day is a party in Miami.


If Orlando isnt the capital of theme parks, I feel sorry for the place that is. Orlando is home to no less than Disney World, Universal Studios and Sea World. The theme parks are actually located on the edge of the city, which makes Orlando proper a bit bland. Humidity can be a bit of a bear during the summers, but the winter is incredibly nice.


Tampa is an underrated city in my opinion. The chief criticisms seem to be it is overly modern and a bit boring. In fact, it is just the opposite. Tampa has a funky cultural feel, particularly in Ybor City where multiple cultures clash in free wheeling fun and you can get a Cuban cigar hand-rolled by a Cuban artist. Museums, art galleries and theme parks abound. The beaches of Clearwater are white, clean and a good place to roast in the sun.

Florida Real Estate

Florida real estate is very reasonably priced considering much of it is so close to an ocean or lake. The average home price in Orlando will run you just above $300,000, roughly the same amount as Tampa. In Miami, prices vary wildly depending on the part of the city you are looking in, but you can expect price ranges from $250,000 to $800,000.

If you want to get in on Florida real estate, now may be an ideal time. For 2005, property in Florida appreciated at a rate of nearly 25 percent!

How To Build Your Community With Community Journalism

This article will show how to use a community journalism (also called participatory journalism) platform to build and maintain a community by using the internet as a mean of communication between its members.

Why is community building important?

We are all part of communities whether we realize it or not. We have our local community, national community. Some are members of clubs or groups. Some are fans of a band or play hockey. Schools, Colleges, universities and workplaces are also communities.

Having a closer and more committed communities could benefit us all. Think about big corporations. In such workplaces people hardly know one another while they have so much in common. A tighter community in the workplace will make people feel more attached. Bring better communication and more productive relations between different departments, branches or even people at the same room.

Stronger communities also provide reliance when times gets rough or when crisis hits. The stronger the community is, the better the chance it will work together to solve problems and learn from past mistakes.

The internet is the ultimate community building tool

A good community needs a central place where community members can meet, communicate with each other, display ideas, share experiences and sound their voices. A community magazine is the perfect mean of communication and has numerous advantages as a community meeting place.

Here are some of these advantages:

1) Accessible to anyone from anywhere at any time
A community website is accessible from almost anywhere, community journalists and other members can participate at their own free time without constraints of time and place.

2) Democratic and empowers the individual
Anyone can express their opinion and submit their own content. It's the glue that keeps the community together. The fact that everyone has a voice is key.

3) Free of charge
Websites like provide some communities with their own community magazine which is free and does not incur operation costs.

4) Requires minimal moderation or attention
Platforms like provide the entire community members with the ability to post content and decide which content should be promoted and shown on the front page for example while throwing out inadequate content.All this is done by a voting system and algorithm which manages the content according to the reader's votes.

What are the ingridients of a good community magazine platform?

An online magazine look and feel with nice layout.
Sections for news, articles, recommended links and personal columns
Flexible Categories for easy browsing
Easy submission of items by all members
Automatic management of content items according to users votes
Forums for discussions and search for finding old posts.
Exposure of the content to all major search engines and blog aggregators


Building or enforcing a community and tightening the relations between its members can be both fun and beneficial. The web is a great enabler for community building. Community members can serve voluntarily as citizen journalists and write for the community blog or magazine. Setting up a community magazine is easy and cost free. So what are you waiting for?

Check for an example of a CoMagzine.

Rogue River Steelhead Tournament.

If you are the semi-competitive type and you are looking for a good cause then you owe it to yourself to sign up for this years Rogue River Steelhead tournament.

This annual event, which is put on by the Rogue Flyfishers helps to raise money for the club, which in turn uses the funds for fish, fishing enhancement, and other projects that help support the fish of the Rogue basin.

This year the event is scheduled for October 29th, which is a Saturday, and costs $150.00 per contestant. Boats consist of two fishermen and a rower,of which many are local guides, volunteers and club members.

This is a flyfishing tournament, and prizes are awarded in various categorys, with the top prize going for largest Steelhead and most inches of fish. The tourney is catch and release, barbless fly,and conventional gear only. Last years winner took top honors with a mere 23 inches as the top fish. I personally have heard of many 30 inch fish being caught this year--so WATCH OUT!!

For your money you will also receive a continental breakfast, as well as the banquet dinner to be held at that evening at the Red Lion Hotel here in Medford, Or. There will also be silent auction as well as the traditional oral auction fundraiser also to be held that evening at the Red Lion. Last year some of the prizes included some nice custom made fly-rods, but the real reason to enter is for fish enhancement.

Seats go fast for this event and they have told me that only six slots are left even as we speak.(Or read in this case.) You can still make reservations for the banquet if you just want to come and hang out with a buunch of fishy guys.

Last year the event brought in over $8500.00 dollars and even though it is not as famous as some of the other Trout and Salmon fundraising tournaments held in other places--this one is low key and a little more comfortable feeling.

So, if your late October schedule is missing some excitement, come join in the Annual Rogue River Steelhead Tournament.

You can find more information at:

Road Trip - Vintage Car Auction

I might be running 33 years late but Im certainly making up for lost time. I am undergoing a most demanding induction course into the automobilia world and steering me unflinchingly, while barely peering over the dashboard, is my eight year old son. Whisper it softly but I do vaguely recall a passing infatuation with cars at that age. The passing soon passed, however, and I became deeply immersed in footballing ephemera instead. It wasnt enough for me to simply play or even, from time to time, attend a big match. I can remember still the pinch of excitement as I opened my new packets of football stickers, sharing joy and pain with my friends, concocting shady transfer deals behind closed doors and wondering if I was ever going to see George Best again. This was but a prelude to a more sinister development, whereby I started recording the results of imaginary matches in my exercise books, complete with scorers, half times, crowds and league positions, if appropriate. Oh, I did things properly. If theyd handed out prizes for footballing obsession, Id have hoovered up every time.

There is often a thin dividing line between passion and obsession and my son is already starting to exhibit some disturbing parallels with his father. My relationship with cars hitherto has been strictly of the A to B variety. In other words, as long as I can reach my destination safely, securely and speedily, Im a pretty happy bunny. I am strangely unmoved by upholstery, sound systems, alloy wheels and other delights. I have never spent an afternoon washing my car. My son, however, spent an hour painstakingly polishing and sprucing his car yesterday. And as for the remote control, glad you asked, a solid ten minutes checking the electrics.

Yet it all started so innocently. An occasional reference to a car in the street was an entirely natural form of curiosity. My mumbled acknowledgement was usually enough and we went on our merry way but I felt a frisson of alarm as my son started to recognise cars hed seen before and ask me about them too. The first time this happened I thought he was talking to someone else until he looked me in the eye with a quite disarming sincerity and repeated the question. Dad, did you see that red Porsche, isnt that the one from the end of the street I showed you last week? That was so cool, how fast did it go? Can we go in one?. Well, theres off guard and theres on the canvas. As I groggily sought to compose myself, I nonetheless realised that my son had achieved a major landmark. Hed entered football sticker country.

No longer would my studied nonchalance suffice. My son was already in second gear while I was groping for the ignition. I could have handled simple car spotting but my son started to display a much wider repertoire, engaging in a running commentary on every journey and inviting from me, normally at a moment of maximum inconvenience, some expert analysis on the virtues of the latest BMW convertible

Frankly, I was rocking. I was all over the place when, quite serendipitously,echoing that unforgettable proverb that Ive unfortunately forgotten, I got very lucky indeed. I was sitting in a sushi bar intermittently dabbing at a proof I was reviewing while watching a conveyor belt, with all the contours of a Scalectrix track, pass before me carrying an assortment of dishes. It all looked pretty tasty but the tastiest thing of all was the ingenious billing process. Nobody took my order so I just helped myself as, indeed, did everyone else. As I munched away, while simultaneously tiptoeing around the proof, admiring the female population, worrying about Arsenals recent form and staring vacantly into space I believe its called multitasking I had a sudden epiphany. Each bowl was painted with a different trim around the rim. There were pink or green or blue or whatever stripes around each and they all had a different price, reflecting their contents. At the end of the meal, you might tot up three green for 3, two red for 4 and an orange for 5. As I ruminated upon this creative thinking, a familiar face sidled up to the stool next to me. It was none other than Robert Brooks, chairman of Bonhams and a doyen of the classic car auction market. We exchanged small talk before my eye was inextricably drawn to the catalogue he had evidently intended to read over lunch.

The catalogue related to a forthcoming sale by Bonhams of classic cars and related automobilia. As we chatted away, I hinted that my son was leaning that way and the conversation dramatically moved on to an altogether higher plane. I then let slip, accidentally on purpose, that my father in law had been a racing driver of some repute in the 1950s, notably for Jaguar and Allard, and that his old AC might still be lurking in the garage. Instantly, the catalogue was thrust into my hand as was an open invitation to join Bonhams at the next Festival of Speed at Goodwood. As this famous circuit is but a mile from our house in Sussex, even I may struggle to find any logistical obstacles to our future attendance, unless Arsenal obligingly have a home fixture that weekend. I suddenly felt a hot flush at the prospect of my son and I fighting off the groupies as we were ushered into the pits to mingle with the cognoscenti and talk race tactics. Then again, probably a belated reaction to those Japanese pickles.

I could tell my son was very impressed. His knowing look told me Id found first gear. He pored over the catalogue, enthralled by the wonderful photographs, and I had to admit that there were some fabulous motors. The mechanical aspects left me stone cold but the voluptuous lines of many of the post war sports cars warmed me up considerably. Although I wouldnt recognise a camshaft if it introduced itself to me personally, I can certainly recognise a thing of beauty when I see it. I could quite understand why so many of these models, with their gorgeous styling and lush interiors, have become design icons in their own right.

Then I took a quantum leap. I bought a copy of Classic Car. There was plenty for the obsessive, ranging from the rebuild of some obscure, but paradoxically important, car to fantastically detailed classified advertisements. The most interesting revelation for me, however, apart from my conspicuous failure to correctly identify two cars in succession, was the coverage of auction activity. I discovered that Coys were conducting a sale in ten days time but a mile or two up the road in the grounds of Chiswick House, formerly a family home of the Duke of Marlborough and now owned by English Heritage.

The sale started at 10am. I had loosely intimated to my son that wed aim on a 9am departure but, in the manner of excitable eight year olds everywhere, he took it all too literally. As ever, morning had arrived about three hours too early for me and, when I eventually stumbled downstairs, I found him almost consumed by anticipation. I gathered my bits, took a bottle of water to cool his engine and we were on the road. I had a reasonable idea of the location of the house which was just as well, since the map I had printed off told me everything and nothing at the same time. It was a largely uneventful journey, punctuated only by my impatience with sleepy drivers and my sons impatience with sleepy me. Then, lo and behold, a sign and we were there. We followed a dribble of middle aged men walking along a wide path to nowhere whereupon, looming beyond the trees, we were confronted by two enormous marquees. There were cars dotted all around and my son was so enraptured that I almost had to frogmarch him inside for the main event. I buckled under the weight of the catalogue, truly a labour of love, gathered myself and entered.

There must have been some twenty five cars in immediate view. The vintages were redolent of museum pieces and, though we prodded and probed, I cant say we lavished them with attention. Conversely, I was intrigued by the rows of old bicycles while my son, realising you were actually encouraged to handle the goods, was caressing a silver Aston Martin as he cast his eye at all the other wonders that awaited him. I decided to register as a bidder as even the wildest optimist in me knew that it would be nigh on impossible to leave unscathed with an increasingly passionate eight year old by my side. I picked up my paddle, scanned the horizon for my son, and salvaged him from the undercarriage of an admittedly dashing Jensen.

Admiring, touching, caressing, yes, that again, we ambled into the auction itself. I wouldnt say the joint was jumping but the sale moved pretty swiftly. I looked at the catalogue and it dawned on me that this would be an all day affair. The main event later in the afternoon would be the sale of some fifty cars and I expect the arena would then have filled out appreciably. We were participating in the undercard but it was entertaining enough simply being there. My son pottered about viewing memorabilia, cups, toys and so forth while I took the opportunity to properly read the catalogue, enjoy the banter in the room and vainly hope that I might pick up some pearl of wisdom from the assembled enthusiasts.

As one lot followed another and I resolutely clasped my paddle to my breast, I sensed my son was becoming a little agitated. There were still about 700 more items to go under the hammer but, after numerous skirmishes, including a very near miss with a replica piston pump, a cock up of Berlusconiesque proportions, I ultimately succumbed. My son was the proud owner of a 1970 odd limited edition Ferrari. I was much more fascinated by its accompanying box that not only further legitimised its authenticity, as does a dust jacket to a book, but also told me that it had been cared for by its previous owner. I liked that.

Two further lots invited particular scrutiny. The first was an exceptionally scarce game dating from the late 19th century, formed around famous cyclists of that era. It was circular and painted and possibly French but my lingering thought was that, much as I could not afford it, it should go to a good home. The other lot I could afford and I bought it with my father in mind. This was an amusing and uncommon promotional pamphlet from the late 1920s for Alvis that adapted the style of The Man Who series by H.M.Bateman. It is one of my fathers understated regrets that he sold the Alvis he owned some thirty years ago and that, when he came to reverse that decision, he discovered the car was no longer in production. It struck me as faintly ironic that the pamphlet was entitled The Terrible Fate Which Befell The Man Who Did Not Buy An Alvis. As we wandered back to the cashier to settle our purchases, my son insisted on sitting in virtually every car we passed. He was in his element, joy unconfined, as he twiddled with the knobs and spun the steering wheels, while luxuriating amid the resplendent wood panelling and upholstery. His joy became my joy, his beaming smile suffused with the magic of the moment. Wed come a long way together.

More prosaic matters then presented themselves, over a somewhat shorter distance, as we contrived to get lost seeking the car park. My legendary sense of direction ensured we had a very pleasant walk through the pergola but took a most circuitous route back. By this stage, I was ready to lie down, preferably in a darkened room, somewhere quiet and remote. Instead, I had to grapple with the fact that we were on the wrong side of the dual carriageway and needed to be home for the rest of the clan in the next fifteen minutes. After executing a quite masterful three point turn which surprised me, let alone my son, we were off and running. I had a nagging suspicion, however, that I might have peaked a little too early in my induction course and, boy, were my instincts hot.

A week later came another day of reckoning. Acknowledging that his recent acquisition was not equipped for a run in the park, especially minus any batteries, my son decided we should take his other model instead. It was supposed to be a quick twenty minute spin around the park, testing it for speed, durability and a few fancy tricks. It was all a bit humdrum after a while so I decided to spice things up a bit. In what I can only describe as a moment of madness, I suggested a game whereby we had to direct the car along the pavement towards the nearest lamppost within a specified time. My son made it look easy. I made it look very difficult.

It was difficult enough remembering which way the controls moved without having to contend with divots, litter, pedestrians and sundry other obstacles. Although my son generously extended my handicap, I was already 5 0 down by the time we were alongside the tennis courts. And it was precisely here that I delivered my coup de grace. My abject performance thus far encouraged me to at least sign off with some aplomb and so, at full speed, I charged off. I was actually making a decent fist of it for once when my concentration was shattered by a whoop of delight on Court Six. A pulsating rally was over and, distracted by the hubbub, I witnessed the car pirouette and turn sharply. As if transfixed by this remarkable manoeuvre, I watched, disbelievingly, as it rotated a full 360 degrees and trundled, almost apologetically, under the wire and straight on to the aforementioned court. I wasnt sure if the applause was directed at the players or at me but then my sense of direction, as you may be aware, leaves much to be desired. Ill be wearing my L plates for a while yet.